Thursday, February 17, 2011

One never attention all classes

Beijing, feb. 14, special telegram (reporter zhou ning) annual entrance exam unfolds this week open, arts from all over the country carries art dream "hotties" gathered in Beijing, knocking the Beijing film academy, central theater academy as YiJiao gate. Only the Beijing film academy of performing college register population formule 2799 person, but face "recruits only 30 undergraduate student" cruel reality, a bruising competition will be inevitable.

Art exam is not hotties "draft"

Last year the Chinese film market action-packed reminders hot this movie related major to enter oneself for an examination, the Beijing film academy by 2011, register population has exceeded 200 million, of which enter oneself for an examination professional for the most performance.

Some people think, post's enrollment is hotties, those appearance condition is not too "to force" the examinee of the probability of success is very small.

"It's absolutely a misunderstanding." Beijing film academy dean of the school of performing, said Chen yi film performance is life, life what people have, the examiner to image though certain selection criteria, but is completely based on the needs of filmmaking, and place more emphasis on students' belief, imagination, passion, expressive such artistic quality and humanistic quality. "of people's examinee, how can you feel the script for the role of numerous and complicated life? So enrollment is no hotties" draft ", isn't also choose "crew"."

Beijing film academy acting academy vice-president wang jinsong, revealed that show professional is divided into three wowed, retest and try. First try "read" and "performance exercises" two, examinee can choose what you're good at poetry, prose, novels, such as theme or landed collective sketch to play the self expression, imagination, Retest is divided into "sound, Taiwan, shape, form", namely to sing a song, recite a period of word, jump a dance with the music (or practice acrobatics, etc.), was a scene, all relative increase the difficulty coefficient, Three basic is the primary try acting classes, is to see whether the examinee "material".

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